Higher Education Accreditation

Higher Education Accreditation

Higher education accreditation is an essential aspect for every institution. It can be a complex and challenging process. Pathseekers II, Inc. offers expertise especially in regional accreditation. Our team has extensive first-hand experience with several regional and specialized accreditors (e.g., as Commissioner and member of Executive Committee, team chair, board of trustees liaison, institutional leadership), and has played an active role in accreditation reform, advocacy, and improvement. These are three of the areas in which we have particular expertise. 

self-study and site team visit preparation

Preparing a strong self-study is an excellent way for the institution to self-evaluate its performance in all major areas and recommend areas for improvement. Pathseekers II, Inc. can assist in ensuring that the process is appropriately inclusive, and provide preparation for the site team visit. Contact us for more information. 

responding to accreditation commission actions

Regional accrediting commissions may take actions that require specific follow-up reports, or may involve specific sanctions imposed on an institution. Pathseekers II, Inc. can provide assistance in responding appropriately to accreditors in either case. Our experience in chairing special teams evaluating institutional progress after sanctions had been imposed positions us well to provide consultation in these especially difficult situations. Contact us for more information. 

u.s. regional accreditation of international institutions

On occasion, institutions whose main campus is outside the United States will seek recognition and accreditation from a regional U.S. accreditor. Pathseekers II, Inc. brings experience as a team chair for accrediting multiple international institutions who have gone through this process. Contact us for more information.