Helping individuals and organizations improve their performance since 2005.
Pathseekers II, Inc. provides expert executive coaching and a wide array of consultation services to higher education institutions, health care organizations, and non-profit organizations.We believe that collaborative partnerships with organizations enable success and ultimately benefit the people they serve. We work with individuals, senior leadership teams, and boards to enable our clients to become more successful.
Pathseekers II, Inc. grounds its consultations on our company values:
Learning: We value continuous learning and process improvement that maximizes the potential of individuals and organizations.
Excellence: We aim to serve our clients by exceeding expectations both personally and professionally.
Collaboration: We build a culture of collaboration by connecting people through shared interests in order to create and sustain a strong sense of purpose and community.
Get in touch with us to discuss a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire how our services are right for you.
➤ mailing address
11312 U.S. 15-501 Hwy. N.
Suite 107-#209
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
➤ contact
(919) 338-3795
As your key professionals advance within your organization, there are times that they need additional professional development and certified executive coaching as they aspire to new leadership positions. We help top talent develop those critical leadership skills. Team building and individual coaching are available as you build your executive teams and administrative staffs.
To help you understand your clients, constituents, stakeholders, and employees we conduct survey research, facilitated discussions, and listening sessions/focus groups. These can be conducted in conjunction with planning, program evaluation, and market research, or conducted separately. Experienced researchers ourselves, we know data matter.
senior TEAM ASSESSMENT and development
Pathseekers II, Inc custom-tailors well-established tools for leadership assessment, team development, and team building. For all clients, we customize the specific measures and process to meet the unique aspects of the situation and organizational culture. We choose our assessment tools carefully, and we are certified by the organizations noted the bottom of the page.
higher education accreditation
Institutional and specialty program accreditation is the means of quality assurance in higher education. We offer expert assistance with regional/national and specialty program accreditation and federal compliance. We bring over a decade of personal experience with several regional accrediting commissions in multiple capcaities.
You cannot get where you want to go if you don't know how to get there. We provide our clients with the knowledge, tools, and abilities to achieve their stated objectives and remain flexible to the anticipated challenges of the future. Strategic advising and organizational planning must be comprehensive. That's why we focus on both the organizational and human capital/human performance levels.
Women face significant barriers on their path to leadership. Our President, Dr. Chris Cavanaugh, has firsthand experience dealing with these barriers. Additionally, she brings the outcomes of the research she and colleagues conduct on women's leadership journeys. Our special emphasis on women's leadership adds another dimension to the services we provide.
“The path is not long, but the way is deep. You must not only walk there, but you must be prepared to leap.”
Ask Us.
Use the form below to contact us regarding your consulting inquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. To help us best respond to your inquiry, please provide as much information as possible. You may also email or call us to make an appointment to discuss your needs. Thank you!